Saturday, 4 January 2014

Lifestyle Questionnaire Results

I asked four people to take my lifestyle questionnaire: two girls and two boys. These are the results I got:

1) Which of the following age brackets are you in?:
      (16 and under)    (17 - 20)   (21 - 26)    (27 - 30)   (30+)
2) Do you or have you ever owned an iPhone?
       Yes             No
3) Do you invest money in good quality headphones?
       Yes            Sometimes         No
4) How many concerts/gigs would you say that you attended per year?:
       1 - 5             6 - 10            11 - 15       16 - 20        20+
5) Which genre of music out of the following do you prodominently listen to?
        Pop            Rock         Metal         Classical        Hip-hop/Rap
6) How many hours per day would you say you listened to music? :
       0 - 1hr        2 - 3hrs       4 - 6hrs         7hrs+ 
7) What do you think of the name 'ACID' for a metal magazine?
       Terrible         Bad             Okay          Great         Excellent
8) What do you think of the colour scheme of this cover?
       Terrible         Bad             Okay          Great         Excellent
9) What do you think of this issue's cover photo?
       Terrible         Bad              Okay         Great         Excellent
10)  Do you think that the price of this magazine (£2.50) is fair?
       No             Maybe            Yes              

Girl 1: (16 and under), Yes, Yes, 6-10, Rock, 4-6hrs, Excellent, Great, Great, Yes
Girl 2: (17 - 20), No, No, 6 - 10, Rock, 4 - 6hrs, Great, Great, Great, Yes
Boy 1: (21 - 26), No, Yes, 11-15, Metal, 4 - 6hrs,  Excellent, Great, Great, Maybe
Boy 2: (17 - 20), Yes, Sometimes, 6 - 10, Classical, Great, Okay, Great, Yes

From this information I can tell that Boy 1 is within my target audience.

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