Tuesday, 22 October 2013

School Magazine Front Cover

This is the final product that I have come up with.

I named the magazine 'Lucidity' because the definition of that word is rational, easily understood, and is associated with clarity. I thought it would be a good choice because it's not a word commonly used in general converation and it puts across that this magazine is to give people some basic information in a clear way and is not meant to be overwhelming.
When designing the headlines I found this colour wheel extremely useful.

The background image has a lot of colours in it, so I used this to help me make each headline as clear as possible without covering up the cover model. The colours ended up having an autumn-like theme, which was a good thing because I had intended for this to be September magazine to start the school year. I hadn't quite realised how difficult colours are to get right; I don't think I got it quite right in this situation but I think I'm thinking along the right lines, to improve this cover the colours of the coverlines would need to be more consistent and have more of an overall theme, and the struggle I had with the colours highlighted the fact that I could have made it easier for myself by taking the photo of my model against a lighter background.

I think that overall this is quite similar to my plan, but there were somethings that just didn't work and had to be moved around. For example, I wanted to add another image in the top right corner with it's own headline, but it made the page look far too busy. I was also going to have both puffs opposite each other, but I noticed that it brought the eye to the bottom of the page and made it look too light and empty at the top.

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